Web Stats Manager
The single location you will need to go for all your web site reports

From our Web Hosting Control Panel, it will be possible to supervise all aspects of your web presence. You will have access to thorough reports, which will provide you with up–to–the–minute information about the resources your websites are using and also the views they are receiving. You’ll also find numerous relevant information about the platform as a whole. The data is split up into parts, so that you can quickly find your path around.
Server Specifics
Check the server’s Operating System, IP address, etc.
From the Web Stats Manager part of the Web Hosting Control Panel, you’ll get realtime info about the web server including the OS currently in use or even the actual IP address of your web hosting account. Moreover, you will discover important details for your website design assignments like the current variations of PHP, MySQL and Perl, and the running Perl modules. Mailing server data like the sendmail path or the incoming and outgoing emaill servers is also featured.
All of the web hosting server details are offered in a readable way so you can locate the facts you will need.
Access & Error Listing
Quickly detect any site performance issues
The Access and Error Listings record data regarding the hosting server, including details of hosting server access in addition to the types of glitches spotted during hosting server functioning. You can get both kinds of information regarding the operation of your websites from the Web Stats Manager part of your Web Hosting Control Panel.
The access log displays all the text files, image files, video clip files, etc. that others already have demanded to view with your website, and the error log records almost all alerts and glitches that the web server has encountered since the log file was developed.
Traffic Statistics
Track your web site customers live
Watching the web site stats of your site is the ideal way to find out how your marketing plan performs. From your Web Hosting Control Panel integrated online data tools – Webalizer and Awstats, you will observe the quantities of visitors that come to your site, along with the volume of views they generate and pages they visit on a daily, weekly and monthly base.
To view the statistics info, just go to the Web Stats area of your Web Hosting Control Panel and load the stats file for a particular website. You do not have to configure anything on your side. We trigger the stats right after your site moves on the web and begins making visitors.
CPU Stats
Monitor your sites’ CPU load
The hosting server’s CPU is vital for the connection between the site and its website visitors. The more complicated and resource–utilizing your websites are, the more server resources and CPU time will be required. From the CPU stats part, you can observe which exactly site is consuming the majority of CPU allocations.
You should take actions to improve your websites if the CPU consumption quota has been exceeded. You will see in–depth stats for each day and month or for an entire calendar year.